Figuring out Photojournalism

 Hello! I'm Sadie Beam (she/them)!

Me matching with my smoothie
I was born in Corvallis in April, 1990. I grew up with 2 biological brothers, and 2 non biological brothers in a small house on 12th street.  After high school, I moved to Portland Oregon to attend East West College of natural healing to become a LMT (licensed massage therapist). After working in Portland as a massage therapist for about 10 years, I now feel ready for the next phase of my career. I am loosely planning on pursuing a career in Art Therapy. I am currently waffling between majoring in psychology and women's studies, or arts, media and technology. Naturally, photojournalism was appealing as it is both a study on people as well as artistic expression.

In my spare time I enjoy learning about fungi and hiking (mostly just to find more fungi). I am a huge fan of most things DIY and love acquiring new skills. I am the kind of person who has a dozen projects going on at any given time. I love learning through experimentation. My current kicks are rug making, water color painting, and fussy house plants. I am exiting a very physical phase of hobbies: long bike rides and long distance running. I currently enjoy a quick jog on the treadmill, to leave more time for other hobbies, over a long mountain run. I love all kinds of music, but right now I oscillate between Mort Garson, Electric Wizard and early 2000's pop music depending on the mood.                 

This term I am taking digital photography as well as photojournalism with the goal of getting better at taking good pictures that mean something. I love looking portrait photography and am excited to learn how it's done! Another goal I want to work towards is approaching strangers to take their photo. I want to overcome some of the social anxiety that comes a long with an interaction like that. Lastly, I'd like to learn to live more in the present and I think taking pictures is a great way to open your eyes to what's going on around you, especially when the goal is to tell the story. 

With that, I leave you with a few photos I took this week that likely do not reach my goals just yet. 

The propagation station in my kitchen window

Gyromitra Infula found in Peavy Arboridum 

Neighbor, Katelin, celebrates her 30th birthday with husband Jon


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